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MINDSHOP™| Just "How" challenging is innovation?

Attention, folks! Step right up and prepare yourselves for a sidesplitting journey into the wild world of innovation challenges.

So basically...

Innovation is the process of creating new products, services, or processes that are better than what is already available. It is an essential part of business growth and economic development. However, innovation can be challenging. Here are some of the most common challenges of innovation:

Risk: Innovation is often risky. There is no guarantee that your new product or service will be successful. You may spend a lot of time and money on research and development, only to find that your product or service is not well-received by the market.

Cost: Innovation can be expensive. You may need to invest in research and development, or you may need to hire new employees with specialized skills.

Resistance to change: People can be resistant to change, so you may need to convince them that your new product or service is worth trying.

Competition: In today's global economy, there is a lot of competition. If you want your new product or service to be successful, you need to make sure that it is better than what is already available.

Regulation: Governments often regulate new products and services. This can make it difficult to bring new innovations to market.


Despite these challenges, innovation is essential for business growth and economic development. If you are willing to take risks and overcome challenges, you can be successful in innovating.

Sounds exhausting right? Take a deep breath...the light at the end of the tunnel is truly worth it. :)


One step further? Armor thy mind with knowledge 👇

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